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Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
Project Timeframe: 2013
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWDSC) selected Triad Consulting & System Design Group (Triad Consulting) to provide security consulting services to review the overall effectiveness of MWDSC’s security program.
MWDSC consists of 26 member agencies, including 14 cities, 11 municipal water districts and one county water authority. MWDSC is governed by a 37-member board of directors, made up from the member agencies. MWDSC’s service area comprises 5,200 square miles and includes portions of the six counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego and Ventura. Existing MWDSC facilities include a 242 mile-long Colorado River Aqueduct with five pumping plants, a distribution system utilizing eight functional reservoirs, five filtration plants, 43 pressure control structures, 15 hydroelectric plants, and approximately 775 miles of large-diameter pipelines.
Triad Consulting was tasked to assess, evaluate and validate MWDSC’s approach to physical security, risk management and mitigation, and to provide MWDSC with a detailed written report and presentation outlining findings and recommendations.
Using the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 10 “Features of an Active and Effective Protective Program for Water and Wastewater Utilities” (EPA 10 Features) as a guide, in conjunction with good management practices and generally accepted industry standards, Triad Consulting assessed security policies, procedures, programs, plans, held interviews with MWDSC staff as well as surveyed the eight critical sites and facilities that had undergone changes since the previous update to MWDSC’s security program.