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Utah Transit Authority
Salt Lake City, UT
Project Timeframe: 2014
Triad Consulting & System Design Group (Triad Consulting) was awarded through an RFP process a contract by the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) to conduct of study of UTA’s public safety resources and personnel including: the ability and flexibility of public safety personnel to respond to specific incidents, at specific locations, and specific to transit needs; assure that UTA customers and facilities continue to receive the appropriate level of public safety response, visibility, and security; balance the most cost-effective policing alternatives that will still meet the public safety, fare revenue and probable future liability related to the police function; and compare costs and benefits of internal operations versus external contracting.
As a part of the study, Triad Consulting conducted peer reviews of seven large metropolitan transit organizations’ policing models as well as fare enforcement methods used in the industry.
Draft and final reports were prepared containing a compilation of information regarding current industry practices and public safety models including: organization, staffing levels, funding sources and budgets; benefits and detriments of various models of policing services; summary of models providing service-sharing with local jurisdictions; assessment of liabilities related to the police function; evaluation of fare enforcement methods; and recommendations for possible efficiencies.